Your Support Makes A World of Difference.

Your support enables us to offer scholarships to Christian leaders like Pastors, Missionaries, and Ministers of the Gospel to take a life-changing and ministry-altering trip to the Holy Land. Allowing them to Walk the Bible for themselves.




We are a non-profit organization dedicated to helping Christian leaders, like pastors, missionaries and ministers of the gospel take life-changing and ministry-impacting trips to the Holy Land allowing them to see the Bible come to life before their eyes. We also have a number of resources available to educate and engage those interested in the Holy Land, including teaching resources, news articles relating to Israel, and more!
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Walk the Bible makes

trips to the Holy Land possible for

Christian leaders, like Pastors, missionaries, and Ministers who could ordinarily never afford a life-changing trip like this on their own. Through your generous support, both prayerfully and financially, you are impacting the lives and ministries of each individual who receives a scholarship.

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